Celebrating Peggy Baker Supporters
Our profound gratitude to all the generous donors who supported the company’s final two years of operations, 2021 & 2022, who are listed here. And deepest thanks to all the donors, sponsors, and supporters who contributed so valuably to the company over the years. We could not have accomplished our work without you!
The Kingfisher Foundation
$50,000 - $99,999
Robert Sirman
The McLean Smits Foundation
$30,000 - $49,999
Lynda Hamilton
$15,000 - $29,999
Lindy Green Family Foundation
Jerry and Joan Lozinski
$10,000 - $14,999
The Allen Family Foundation
Roger Greenwald
Donald and Gretchen Ross
Norma M. R. Smith in memory of
Margaret Torrance
Zella Wolofsky
$5,000 - $9,999
Ann Fleming
Margaret McCain
James and Sandra Pitblado
$1,000 - $4,999
K. Ann Bowman
Wendy Chiles Bentley
Faye Cohen and Stacey Hersh
Julia Drake
Sandra Dudley
Roger and Kevin Garland
Jenny Ginder
George Cedric Metcalf Charitable Foundation
Valerie Hussey
Kevin Law
Nancy’s Very Own Foundation
Carla Smith
Mavis Staines
John Stanley
Bruce Munro Wright
$25 - $999
Miriam Adams
P. Megan Andrews
Natasha Bahkt
Trevor Bailie
Linda Barnett
Gillian Bartlett
Mimi Beck
Cheryl Belkin Epstein
Richard Beninger
Lali and Atin Bhattacharya
Angela Blumberg
Caroline Booth
Alana Boychuk
Marta Braun
John Van Burek
Elizabeth Butterworth
Cynthia Chan
Chan Ka Nin
Nadine Changfoot
Elizabeth Chitty
Susan Colbert-Wright
Kate Cottington
Yvonne Coutts-Martignago
Richard Daniels
Meredith Dault
Judith Davidson
Jane Deluzio
Suzanne Denis
Roslyn Doctorow
Michael Dufresne
Sandra Dudley
Jacqueline Ethier
David Ferry
Anne Flynn
Jim Fregeau
Lorne Fox
Patricia Fraser
Natasha Frid
Sue Gibbs
Jean Golden
Jacquelyn Goodrich in memory of
Margaret Schuler
Heather Haldane
Alan Harris
Carol Hensley
Daniel Jackson
Matthew Jocelyn
Martin Julien
Bushra Junaid
Karen Kain
Sarah Kim
Jeff Kovitz
Kate Kroeger
Barbara Kulesza
Calla Lachance
Cheryl LaFrance
Slade Lander
Anne Lane
Sylvia Lassam
J. Brett Ledger
David Lemon
Marion Leslie-Bethune
David Lint & Sarah Murdoch
Janet P. Mairs
Terry Markus
Maryanne Marsh
Kathryn Martin
Lynn McClory
Patrick McGarry
Lisa Meschino
Philip Moller
Claudia Moore in memory of
Ahmed Hassan
Kerry Parick Mulhern
Kathrina Nhan
Selma Odom
Gillian O’Reilly
Gail Packwood
Elizabeth Park
Kenny Pearl
Michael Penny
Joan Phillips
Steve Plummer
Colleen Polleris
Jo Ann Pynn
Dorothy Quann
Wendy Reid
Jennifer Rieger
Leslie & Roberta Robb
Sylvia Safdie
Phillip Silver
Louise Smith
Jane and Steven Smith
Lynda Smits
Pilates Space
John Stanley
Nora Stearns
Robert Steiner & Susan Macpherson
Robert Stephen
Elaine Stewart
Eva Swenson
Eileen Thalenburg
E. Jane Thompson
Nick Tracey
Doug Varone
Guillermo Verdecchio
Mary Ann West
Phyllis Whyte
Paul J. Winston MD Inc.
Carol Wolkove
Leslie Wood
Christine Wright
Michelle Yeung
Barbara Zee
Hui Zhen Zhang
Veronica Zufelt