community events
Performance projects with community participants were always taken on with serious and joyful intent, and I know from the responses of the participants that they have felt vivified by the creative and physical exertion, and profoundly moved by the impact of aligning themselves with the form and content of a choreographic work. Each of these projects took the participants into the heart of a choreographic structure and called upon each individual to enter fully into the realm of attention, specificity, and embodiment that is a dancer’s world. Through this highly charged personal experience, these volunteer performers — and the friends, family, neighbours and colleagues who witnessed them in performance — invariably deepened their appreciation for their own creative capacity and for the potency of art. - Peggy Baker
The Socrates Project, Hamilton ON
February 2, 2019
Art Gallery of Hamilton, ON
community performers: Cassandra Bowerman, Jonah Brodeur, Heather Elson, Andrea Frolic, Artemisia Frolic-Smart, Catharine Katic, Kevin Kim, Kiyomi Lashbrook, Mayumi Lashbrook, Anastasiya Lezhanska, Grace Loney, Tanis MacArthur, Stephanie Park, Mary Patsiakzis, Dahlia Steinberg, Denise van Es
Ontario Dances Kingston &
Peggy Baker Dance Projects
April 8, 2018
Art Gallery of Burlington, ON
community performers: Avery Beatty, Michaela Bekenn, Jordana Deveau, Lisa Emmons, Nicole Faull, Rose Hajas, Sharon Harvey, Sarah Jurgens, Catherine Katic, Helen Kosterman, Sandrine Kwan, Mayumi Lashbrook, Tanis MacArthur, Rachel Markun, Aiyana Ruel, Laura Ryan.
Ontario Dances Kingston &
Peggy Baker Dance Projects
August 26, 2017
Grand Theatre, Kingston ON
community performers: Aria Wilton, Emma Chen, Jennifer Rees, Mary Louise Adams, Debra Donaldson, Meredith Dault, Mary Farrar, Martee TegTmeyer, Tianna Edwards, Desiree Botting, Karin Steiner, Kristen Kim, Kyle Holleran, Jillian Murphy, Michael Neild, Malka Kaufman, Greg Tilson, Dhanish Chinniau, Lorraine Poitras, Erika Olson, and Lydia Wilton, with Fides Krucker and Sarah Fregeau
University of Calgary School of Creative and Performing Arts
September 25, 2016
Husky Great Hall, Rozsa Centre, Calgary AB
inter-generational cast: Tania Alvarado, Maryn Bjorndahl, Elizabeth Burney, Ariane Nicolle Dangelat, Marie France Forcier, Helen Husak, Odessa Johnston, Samantha Ketsa, Melanie Kloetzel, Meaghan Michalsky, Julia Mitchell, Wojtek Mochniej, Katie Rogowsky, Waverly Spratt, Su-Lin Tseng, Frankie Anne Warren
poems for body and breath
Ontario Dances Kingston &
Peggy Baker Dance Projects
August 27, 2016
Grand Theatre, Kingston ON
with the Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning Community Residency
poems for body and breath
(based on solos from The Perfect Word)
community dancers: FLOWER / Mary Louise Adams, Emma Chen, Meredith Dault, Debra Donaldson, Mary Farrar, Sasha French, Shari Graydon, Kay Kenney, Jane Kirby, Kendra Leishman, Sue Livesay, Asia Matthews, Maya Meyerman, Kyoko Ogoda, Jennifer Rees, Kala Ross, Rose Stewart, Aria Wilton, Beverley Zweng; FIRE / Mark Reinhart; FEET / Bianca Campbell, Emma Chen, Kendra Leishman, Aria Wilton; KEY / Sarah Fregeau; CLOUD / Mary Louise Adams, Bianca Campbell, Meredith Dault, Debra Donaldson, Mary Farrar, Sasha French, Shari Graydon, Kay Kenney, Kendra Leishman, Sue Livesay, Donald Mitchell, Kyoko Ogoda, Mark Reinhart, Daniel Robertson-Styles, Kala Ross, Rose Stewart, Martee Tegtmeyer, Greg Tilson, Aria Wilton, Beverley Zweng
Dance Motif
Orchesis Dance Society
January 30 & 31, 2016
University of Alberta, Edmonton AB
50th Anniversary Performances
Meyer Horowitz Theatre
four poems for body and breath (excerpts from The Perfect Word)
community perfoemrs:
FLOWER: Kelsie Acton, Jennifer Dunford, Camille Ensminger, Nicole Faull, Andrea Fitzgerald, Stacey Grubb, Tessa Hornbeck, Bridget Jessome, Salena Kitteringham, Sarah Lipinski, Anastasia Maywood, Valerie Rodriquez, Leigh Spanner, Aphra Sutherland, Alex Thompson, Fiona Williams, Karen Zimmerman
FIRE: Phil Kloc
FEET: Camille Ensminger, Bridget Jessome, Valerie Rodriquez, Alex Thompson
CLOUD: Kelsie Acton, Jennifer Dunford, Nicole Faull, Andrea Fitzgerald, Stacey Grubb, Tessa Hornbeck, Salena Kitteringham, Phil Kloc, Sarah Lipinski, Anastasia Maywood, Leigh Spanner, Aphra Sutherland, Fiona Williams, Karen Zimmerman
Flux Delux at Nuit blanche 2015
October 3/4, 2015
Trinity Bellwoods Recreation Centre
Toronto ON
Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning Community Residency
August 29, 2015
Tett Centre Malting Tower
Kingston ON
community performers: Andrew Burrows, Betsy Collin, Sam Crosby, Meredith Dault, Mary Farrar, Tracy Guptill, Jane Kirby, Julia Krolik, Sue Livesay, Asia Matthews, Jennifer Rees, Mark Reinhart, Kim Renders, Greg Tilson, Tammy Wang
FluxDelux at Panamania
2015 Parapan Am Games, Toronto
August 8, 2015
Nathan Phillips Square
Toronto ON
Peggy Baker Dance Projects
March 17, 2014
Beaverbrook Art Gallery,
Fredericton NB
community performers: Sophia Bartholomew, Natalie Brewer, Joanna Bryson, Elizabeth Burney, Chrystal Chettiar, Catherine Higgins, Emilie Hubert, Lindsay Laidlaw, Jalianne Li, Elaine Meldrum, Carolyn Townsend, Sage Walker, Cheryl Weekes, and Lisa Wilby, with Sahara Morimoto
Peggy Baker Dance Projects
April 10 & 11, 2011
Downtown Market Square
St Catharines ON
community performers: Kanthan Annalingham, Monika Arnoczki, Dawn Crysler, Ashlee Dewitt, Kim Fiocca, Rose Gowling, Susanna Hicks, Katelyn Lander, Grace Loney, Tanis MacArthur, Orange McFarlane, Becca Plescke, and Lisa Tomalty, with Sahara Morimoto