Photo by Henry Chan
Elizabeth Chitty
choreographic collaborator
I am a settler occupier (she/her) living in Maynooth, ON on unceded Algonquin territory. Born in St. Catharines |Tetiotenonshà:kton in 1953, I spent most of my life in the Niagara Region. I was associated with numerous artist-run centres in my early career in Toronto and Vancouver, returned to Niagara in 1988 and began a query into what it means to be of a place. From 2008 to 2021, my preoccupation was the water that flows throughout the Niagara Peninsula and the final work was a 3-channel video and 4-channel spatialized audio installation, Power. I considered place also through pre-Confederation Treaties; Two Row Wampum, Nanfan and Treaty of Niagara. My primary material has been movement – of digital images, sound, and the human body. Walking arose in 1992 in performances, re-surfaced in 2007 and developed into a key strategy for participants and myself in video and audio installations.
For Peggy Baker Dance Projects: Elizabeth’s original works Lap (1976) and Mover (1975) were distilled and adapted for the stage play Beautiful Renegades; and filmed for Choreographic Gems
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