An older man behind an open laptop that is facing right. The light from the screen illuminates his face. He is partially bald with a white beard. his left hand rests on his forehead and he wears a wedding ring.

Christos Hatzis

Christos Hatzis was born in Volos, Greece in 1953 and emigrated to Canada in 1982. He resides in Toronto with his family, employed as a professor of composition by the University of Toronto. Hatzis is one of the most performed composers worldwide, particularly his compositions for mallet percussion instruments. He has pioneered a personal compositional approach which reflects the complex social and aesthetic needs of the 21st Century, by avoiding the dead ends of the previous century, especially the poorly understood elitism which places emphasis on compositional technique detached from expression. With increasing frequency, Hatzis’s subjects are informed by human rights: of the Indigenous people of Canada (Gaia, Going Home Star: Truth and Reconciliation, Footprints in New Snow, String Quartet No.1—The Awakening), of the Jewish and other victims of the Nazi Holocaust (Menorah), oppressed or neglected minorities worldwide (In the Fire of Conflict, Constantinople, String Quartet No.2—The Gathering, etc.); all of the above filtered through a non-dogmatic spirituality which also informs his educational philosophy. He has won the Chalmers National Music Award (for String Quartet No. 1), and the 2002 New Pioneers Arts Award.

For Peggy Baker Dance Projects: Christos’ composition In the Fire of Conflict is the score for Peggy’s work of the same name.

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